The phoenix project is a novel about it management. It shows how devops is used as a way to integrate it into the business rather than being a function that runs alongside it. The phoenix project pdf summary gene kim 12min blog. I am writing this for the people who might want to read this book but somehow find it tricky to buy. Writing a fictional account is a powerful effective way to get the message across, used by others such as ely goldratt with the goal.
Now weve got a bunch of databases down, including, of course, payroll. The book written by gene kim alongside kevin behr and george spafford is the story of an it manager who suddenly finds himself promoted into. The phoenix project is an allegorical tale of devopsthe needs, the transition, and the business impactas told through the main character, bill palmer, who has recently been named vp of it operations, much against his will. The phoenix project gene kim, kevin behr and george spafford was in my reading list for a quite long time. The phoenix project will have a profound effect on it, just as dr. Devops is the application of lean manufacturing methods, architecture, and ideology to the world of software.
While reading through it, i felt like i was reading my story rather i would say its a story of anyone working in it. The phoenix project is a business allegory about how a fictional company becomes profitable after a crisisdriven change in its information technology management style. In the book, we get to know and appreciate why devops is important. Bills journey is one of figuring out how to improve communication and effectiveness across the it organisation so that it is not longer viewed as an underperforming cost to the business. Today, our constraints arent robots inside our factories. The second part of the book details how the it group is reborn from the ashes of the phoenix project into a highperforming organization that is a strategic partner to the business. Finally was able to read and i must say was not able not keep it away until the end. I am sharing the highlights from this 35 chapter book. Kind of like an abbreviated cliffs notes for the full book. This free synopsis covers all the crucial plot points of harry potter and the order of the phoenix. Summary of the phoenix project ebook by instaread summaries. The phoenix project pdf summary devops is an innovative it management system that is created to help coordination and collaboration among business units, products owners, and different it operations.
The phoenix project is a novel that first describes the problems that almost every it organization is faced with, and then shows the practices of how to solve the problems, improves the. What the phoenix project can teach you about devops and it. We will quickly cover the main takeaways of the book. It provides a potential reader enough information regarding this allegorical book s content to determine if we want to invest the extra money and time to actually buy and read the entire book. This parable of an it project on the brink of destruction is told with humor and insight. A fantastic view on the modern organisation, and how it needs to adapt to be agile and effective in the modern world of work. The book is written with fast paced plot of a sinking organization which almost has chaotic it and business relationships and how it overcome the.
A novel about it, devops, and helping your business win. To work the san issue, we had to pull brent off of a phoenix job we promised to get done for sarah, patty says ominously. Jez humble, coauthor of the jolt awardwinning book continuous delivery and principal at thoughtworks studios this book is the modern day version of the goal. The phoenix project summary lopamudra misra medium. The phoenix project has been an introduction to devops for many and is one of the books we all recommend for newcomers. The phoenix project pdf summary by gene kim, kevin behr, and george. Rowlings harry potter and the order of the phoenix. A novel about it, devops, and helping your business win written. The phoenix project after hearing from grant fritchey that anyone who wants to know what devops really means should read this claire brooking picked up a copy of the phoenix project. A couple of weeks ago, my team leader dropped a book on my desk. The book of phoenix is a shorter and faster read, with concerns shaped more by contemporary global racial politicsin particular, the relations between america and africabut it.
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